To make the long story short, I got snake bite in the early January. Yes, 2020 was very welcoming ain't it? I got warded for about 5 days because my blood clotting was affected due to the venom. Istg boredom in the hospital is another level of boring that I would never want!! I would rather be quarantined in the house!!
Just to let you know, I got warded during my semester break which was a relief, BUT to get an 8 days MC during this whole sem break is not fun at all so I had to take advantage of the MC no matter how hence I went 'mak, kakcik mc' everytime I got asked to do the house chores. What a brilliant idea is it?
Here is an appreciation post for those people who came by to visit me and to make my days in the ward less boring.
The picture above is my younger sister taking a nap after getting boring as well. bahaha! Thanks to her for entertaining me all the time. ..and of course both of my parents yang sanggup ambil mc just to visit me. <333
Here are some food supplies that I got from the people visiting me. I kept being spoiled with food for five days and I could not be happier than that. Gee thanks!!
I don't have pictures of every visitor though but I'm really thankful that they came by. Alhamdulillah thank you Allah for those people.
Sorry if these pictures ain't proper guys but really, thank you for coming!!! I'm blessed to have these people in my life. Thank God!
From left: Pyka, Eugene and Afiqah
I'm thankful for the warm hospitality from the nurses and doctors as well! Except.. the senior doctor. I was scared of them big time. mianhae! Also, I thank God for patient sebelah katil, depan katil and patient jumpa kat toilet. I was surrounded by the elders and they were so nice to me. I was treated macam adik bongsu and anak-anak and I was glad. Seriously, I could not be more thankful.
Here's a picture of me kena ambil darah kat nadi cause tempat lain darah tak keluar bahahaha I've no idea what's going with my blood cells masa ni. Main nyorok-nyorok ingat funny kut.